Having issues with weight loss?
Mar 14, 2022 3:01 pm
Hi there,
Sometimes the "eat more plants" golden rule does not work out for a lot of people trying to lose weight.
If we are eating anti-inflammatory, then we should we be able to lose those last few pounds right?
Weight loss, for some people, isn't as simple as calories in/out.
There are other factors that could be involved:
- hormones
- blood sugar
- thyroid
- leptin resistance
- liver health
- stress
- and finally.. toxicity.
The last bullet point is now starting to be recognized more and more by the medical community as a link to many health issues, but also contributing to weight gain.
For example, BPA and phthalates affect our metabolism. Other toxins can affect our leptin signaling (this is the chemical that tells our brain we are hungry).
So how do these toxins build up?
Imagine we each have a metaphorical bucket: and different factors play a role in how big the bucket is.
- genes
- breastfed
- natural birth
- mother's toxin load during pregnancy
- food eaten throughout childhood
- environmental toxins exposed to
The list goes on. Now, depending on how "big" of a bucket we are born with will also play a role in how quickly it can fill up throughout our life. The different foods and toxins we are exposed to will add to this bucket and it will slowly fill up.
When that bucket overflows, we start to see disease and health issues.
The bucket overflows when our detox pathways are not fully open. The gut and liver are two of our biggest ones.
If your gut is "leaky", you are more likely to absorb more toxins. This also contributes to weight gain, because your body will actually absorb more calories.
How do we optimize our detox pathways?
First, remove toxins from your household. Consider a water filter, air purifier, and start with removing toxic cleaning products that pollute the air.
Pay attention to if there are any triggers (ie food sensitivities, histamine intolerance) and remove from your diet. Remember: an elimination diet is not meant to be forever! Only for a short time.
Eating whole plant foods is the best for supporting our detox pathways.
Some small things to focus on:
- plant foods rich in glutathione
- probiotic foods *only if well tolerated
- herbs and spices
- fast for 12-13 hours overnight
- sweat 4x/week, at least 30 mins
- cruciferous vegetables
- diversity of fiber rich foods *only if well tolerated
Favorite toxin free switches:
Water filter:
Reverse Osmosis is the absolute best! This can be purchased at Home Depot and installed under your sink.
My favorite countertop filter: Berkey. Code DRPEACOCK for 10% off.
Cleaning products:
- Branch Basics
- Attitude: code DRPEACOCK for $10 off.
- Water/vinegar solution
Infrared Sauna:
One of the biggest ways toxins are released from our body is through sweat. An IR sauna works at heating the body from the core, and is so beneficial in detoxing.
I use my Sunlighten 4-5x/week! I personally don't love to do a lot of cardio, so this allows me to sweat it out.
Use code DRPEACOCK for $100 off.
If you are having trouble with weight loss, and have felt like you've done everything: plant based diet, macros, calories counting, etc then there may be something else that needs resolving.
Book a free 15 minute consult to discuss your goals and any concerns you have!
You can click here to read about more of toxin free products in my shop.
Finally, my instagram posts contain a lot of information on how to switch to a low toxin lifestyle and support your body naturally. You can follow for more info @wfpb_doctor.
Happiness and health,