Toxins found in personal care products

Oct 11, 2021 10:06 pm

Hi there,

So much of our priority in health goes toward exercising and maintaining an optimal diet. What if I told you that you also need to pay attention to the products you are using?

What we are putting on our skin tends to go unnoticed when trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

I'll put this into perspective! Our skin is the largest organ in our body, what we put on it gets directly absorbed into our blood stream. And if there's harsh chemicals in those products, those can result in a toxic burden to our body.

The scary part is the FDA does not offer enough resources to fund product's regulation. This pretty much leaves this regulation up to the industry itself.

The unfortunate realization is that many companies will choose a cheaper (and more toxic) route when creating these products. This is due in part to it being a multi billion dollar industry.

There are over 100,000 different synthetic chemicals, many of which are harmful to our health. Below is a list of commonly found toxins in our personal care products:

  • Formaldehyde: a known carcinogen
  • Paraformaldehyde: a type of formaldehyde
  • Methylene glycol: a type of formaldehyde
  • Quaternium 15: which release formaldehyde
  • Mercury: can damage the kidneys and nervous system
  • Phthalates: disrupt our hormone and damage the reproductive system
  • Parabens: disrupt hormones and harm reproductive system
  • PFAS: linked to cancer
  • M - and o-phenylenediamine: (used in hair dyes) skin irritation, damage DNA, and cause cancer

The craziest part is these substances have been banned in Europe, but not in America.

Educating yourself is key. We must be aware of the ingredients that can be placed in our products so we can avoid them.

Some of my favorite non toxic brands:


I love Evolvh. All of their products are clean and 100% organic! You can use code DRPEACOCK for 15% off your purchase.

Another fantastic brand is Attitude Living. You can use code DRPEACOCK for $10 off your order.


Prima is a CBD company that has an incredible skincare line. It's doctor formulated, third party tested, and toxin free. I personally use their products daily. You can use code DRPEACOCK for 15% off.


There are two brands that I personally love and use after 30 minutes of sun exposure!

Earth Mama: discount code Peacock15

Cocokind: discount code DRPEACOCK

Ways to support your detox organs

We have all been exposed to numerous toxins. Avoidance of these products is important, but so is supporting your body's natural detox pathways to allow for removal from your body:

  • Walk daily
  • Hydrate
  • Sweat
  • Eat a variety of plants
  • Purify your indoor air with plants & ultra HEPA filter


Reducing your toxic burden can be stressful because you might feel you want to do it all at once.

I implement a step by step strategy for this, you can apply here for a free 15 minute phone consult to discuss further!

Interested in easy plant based desserts? You can get your free fall recipes e-book on my website!

For more tips and recipes, follow my instagram @wfpb_doctor

Best in health,

