How to reach your goals & recipe included
Sep 27, 2021 11:01 pm
Hi there,
Want to know the question I get asked most?
It's how to make recipes and meals fit your goals. Whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle, or making it less processed.
Losing weight
The bottom line for losing weight is to create a slight caloric deficit over time and making sure to eat adequate plant protein so our body taps into fat stores instead of muscle.
The problem with most "diets" is they are a short term end goal. They are not teaching you how to continue eating in a sustainable eating pattern for YOU.
Unfortunately, the plant based world tends to mislead us by saying we can eat as much of these foods as we want. You can definitely overeat on kale or bananas and gain weight!
We are each different and will require a unique plan. Coming up with a plan depends on our age, occupation, activity level, etc.
Our body must adhere to the law of conservation of energy.
Gaining muscle
In order to adequately gain muscle, we must be supplying our body with enough plant protein. The amino acids from these protein sources are the building blocks for our muscles.
This is again something that is unique to each of us. Depending on activity level and daily life, the protein amount could fall anywhere from 0.8-2.2g/kg of bodyweight.
The nutrition combined with an adequate resistance training program will allow for proper muscle growth.
Eating less processed
Luckily, eating plant based helps to create a healthier eating pattern. But there are still some swaps that could be made for this.
For example, maple syrup can be swapped for date syrup.
Alternative milks tend to be very processed. When reading the ingredient label, make sure to choose milks that contain only filtered water plus the nut or bean being used!
For example, I love soy milk. The ingredient label on the milk I buy is: "water, organic soybeans".
Pancake recipe
This is one of my favorite recipes. You can create this recipe to fit whatever your goals are that were mentioned above!
I'll teach you how.
Make 6 pancakes (2 servings)
3 cups oats (pulsed into flour)
3 ripe bananas
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup soy milk
Combine all ingredients into a food processor. Mix well. Using an ice cream scooper, place on skillet over medium heat. Flip when golden brown.
I made these pancakes on the Chef AJ show, if you want to watch how I make them!
How to make these pancakes fit your goals?
If you are trying to lose weight, you can absolutely still include these as often as you want. You just need fit it into your daily caloric intake properly, and potentially add in a scoop of protein powder (depending on how much protein you are getting throughout the rest of the day).
Trying to gain muscle? Easy! Add in protein powder, and maybe some hemp seeds and peanut butter to top it off.
This recipe is already very minimally processed, but instead of using maple syrup, you could use date syrup. Make sure the plant milk you're using has clean ingredients with no extra additives!
My favorite ingredients
I only use protein powder that has no additives, and has been tested for heavy metals and pesticides. Nuzest is my favorite and completely transparent in their ingredients! Use code DRPEACOCK for 15% off.
The oats are from Zego because they also third party test for herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals. Plus, they cold press their oats which doesn't destroy the beneficial enzymes! Therefore, these oats are naturally higher in protein with 10g per serving compared to 5g of most oat brands. Use code DRPEACOCK for 10% off.
You can apply to my coaching program for any plant based goals you are looking to achieve! It can be confusing, and that's why I created my program to help make it easier and sustainable for you.
My program involves meal planning, weekly coaching calls, nutrition education & low toxin living.
For more tips and recipes, check out my instagram wfpb_doctor
Best in health,