Disregard previous email! What's in our environment that can impact fertility?
Sep 18, 2022 6:11 pm
Before I dive into the details... I have an exciting announcement!
I am super excited to announce that I joined a summit that has brought together over 70 world-renowned doctors & women's health experts (including yours truly) to share our best kept secrets and solutions to help you navigate your fertility and optimize your pregnancy so you can stay pregnant, give birth to a healthy super baby and have an easy postpartum.
Learn different tips on how you can prepare your body to have a healthy happy pregnancy. (Plus get lots of freebies!) The best part? It's totally free to join!
Healthy Happy Pregnancy Summit
FREE 5-Day Virtual Event
September 26 to 30, 2022
Make sure to save your FREE spot by clicking the link below.
Click Here To Join Us For Free
Get access to over 70 expert interviews:
✅ Preconception and Prenatal Wellness ( Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle)
I hope you’ll join us! The fun starts on September 26th.
So what did I speak about and how does this relate to pregnancy?
I discussed the various implications of specific toxins in our environment, and how they relate to men AND women's hormonal health.
Did you know in 1973, sperm concentration was 99 million on average?
In 2011, it dipped down to 47 million.
And NOW.. 15 million.
What could be causing this?
In 1996, there was a 3 fold increase in endometriosis in women (this is an endocrine based disorder, affects fertility).
Between 2004-2011, diminished ovarian reserve has increased as a diagnosis by 37%.
Whats in our environment that could be contributing to this?
There are various chemicals, or what we term “environmental toxins”, that impact our hormonal system by altering the amount of hormones our body produces.
Some of these include: phthalates, BPA, flame retardants, pesticides, and parabens.
Sadly, these are found in many products we use, furniture, and foods we eat!
This is why AWARENESS is the first step, so we can start to avoid these.
Sign up for the summit to hear how these can impact your hormones, ways to use better products, and how to support your body’s natural ability to detoxify.
Happiness & Health,