Daily rituals & how to incorporate them
Mar 21, 2022 3:01 pm
Happy Monday!
I wanted to spend this morning talking about daily rituals and the importance of them. Nutrition seems to always be at the top of the list when it comes to topics about health. The thing is, health is an all encompassing term that requires more than just nutrition to be optimal.
Rituals are daily audits on yourself that clarify the vision of what you want to create. These don't have to be anything wild or time consuming. These are small, actionable steps you can take daily.
A big one that I work with clients on is creating these daily rituals to surround leading an optimal lifestyle. Since most people come to me with goals on improving something regarding their health and nutrition, this is a great place to start.
We currently live in a time where there are so many toxic things surrounding us. I don't mean this in a negative way, only to shed light on what we are exposed to daily. This can be anywhere from environmental toxins, processed foods or the constant "grind" mentality that creates stress.
So how do we keep ourselves in check, and allow our bodies to process through all of this?
A good place to start is daily rituals that allow you to come into your body.
Health is much deeper than just the physical aspect. You can't be physically healthy if you aren’t emotionally healthy.
Your brain is the conductor of the symphony (our body). We have to find time in our day to create a healing space for this.
Where's a good start?
Mindset. Breath work. Meditation.
Our body's function best and HEAL in the parasympathetic state.
We always talk about how processed foods are toxic. But stress is also a toxin to our body. Some of it's effects:
- Impairs gut motility
- Reduces the IgA secretory in our lining (these are the surveillance team at our gut lining to not allow toxins to pass into the bloodstream)
- Reduces bile flow
- Inhibits detoxification
- Increases inflammation
- Down regulates enzymes needed for phase 1 and 2 liver detox function
So how do we incorporate all this?
Here's an example of my morning routine. These are my rituals to get me started for the day and create a healthy outlook inside and out.
- Once I wake up: I express gratitude for the day, my health, and anything else on my mind. Gratitude is the ultimate sense of receivership. Studies show this also increases immune system.
- Drink 12-16oz of water. After 8-9 hours of sleep, our bodies need this replenishment. Hydration is fuel for our cells, and really important for our kidneys.
- A few rounds of sun salutations. After lying down for those 8 hours, our body's lymphatic system has become stagnant. Movement helps move this along.
- I don't look at my phone for the first hour of being awake. I watch the sun rise to help set my circadian rhythm. The phone leads to emails, social handles, and other things that can promote stress and decrease our ability to be present.
- I drink one cup of coffee or matcha because I love the taste and it brings me so much joy. I give it about 30 minutes, then eat a nourishing breakfast.
This routine is setting up my day for health and presence. The first three take 5-10 minutes combined. We all have that kind of time, and creating something like this is so important.
1:1 individualized plant based meal plans, nutrition education, guidance, decreasing environmental toxin load, and overall health coaching designed for your goals.
I’m so passionate about helping people live their optimal lifestyle in all factors of life, not just nutrition (even though this is a big piece).
You can sign up for a free 15 minute consult where we discuss your goals and see if we’re a great fit.
Another newsletter is coming tomorrow with the biggest deal for AirDoctor! If you aren’t aware of them already, they create the best ultra HEPA filters for purifying the air in your home.
I personally have one for my home. I can’t wait to share this deal tomorrow!
Happiness and health,