My new e-book on toxins & gut health
Feb 04, 2023 4:01 pm
I just wrote a BRAND NEW EBOOK that’s included in the PLANT BASED BUNDLE!
My personal contribution was the most commonly studied environmental toxins that have been linked to disrupting our gut microbiome and causing weight gain. I even include recipes that support our body in eliminating these toxins!
These different toxins can cause:
- Leaky gut (increased intestinal permeability)
- Hormone disruption (including affecting our satiety signaling)
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Weight gain
- Skin issues
… and more.
Let me share a few of my tips for reducing one of these classes of chemicals…
‼️ Eat as ORGANIC as possible
Synthetic pesticides sprayed on conventional produce have been linked to disrupting our gut bacteria, increasing intestinal permeability, disrupting our central nervous system, and more
Quick and easy tips:
- If produce has thick skin, OK to buy non organic
- Thin skin = buy organic if possible
- Soak produce in baking soda + water solution for 10 minutes to remove pesticides
- Refer to EWG Clean 15/Dirty 12 list for best produce to buy organic
This new offering of mine is being launched inside of the once-a-year bundle: The Ultimate Vegan Health & Weight Loss Bundle! Yours for only $49, you get over 110 pieces of content (worth over $6000 I might add!) from other creators too! This is such an amazing special, we don’t want you to miss out!
It’s only available for a limited time (ending Feb 12) so hop on over to this link to see everything you are getting for ONLY $49!
Check out the website to see all the goodies with your own eyes HERE
Have any questions? Just hit REPLY to this email and I’ll be happy to answer!
Looking for more support in your gut health and/or toxic burden symptoms? Sign up for a free 15 minute phone consultation and we can get into detail about what is occurring.
Happiness & health,
Dr. Steph
Instagram: @drstephpeacock
TikTok: @drstephpeacock