dear {{contact.first_name}}, work hard and play hard but?

Dec 29, 2021 3:53 pm

Hi greatness!

Hope you are enjoying your hols.

I am enjoying mine too building new 'things'. 

I know you work hard, do also take out some time to play hard. Life needs some balance. But don't develop disempowering playing habits that will upset your working habits because your purpose needs some sound working habits.

Talking about habits, we will be talking about DELETING AND INSTALLING HABITS FOR 2022 SUCCESS tonight.

Let's go there!

Tonight, Wednesday, 29th December 2023.

Use the zoom details below to join 7.30pm or join on Facebook with this link.


ZOOM Link:

Click Here!

click here to join

Meeting ID: 869 9816 8421


See you then

Stay celebrated always!

Cally Cussons PhD.



About the Book

The solution to every challenge you are passing through today is hidden inside a book. In this book, Dr. Cussons chunked the principles he used to move from VODP (Very Ordinary Disabled Person) to VVIP (Very Very Important Personality) to a sizeable form for easy assimilation. This book will help you destroy your fears, kick out the mental blocks holding you down from time and money freedom, from love and relationships, from health and wellness, and from pursuing your vocation and passion. You will find the courage to do your fears, the confidence to face your giants, and the power to watch the crowd and do the opposite because the opposite of Boldness is not cowardice but CONFORMITY. Read Discover Yourself and Transform Your Life completely. CLICK HERE TO READ

About Dr. Cally Cussons

Cally Cussons, PhD, was hit with poliomyelitis when he was a little over a year. Crawling on all fours, life was very difficult growing up in a developing country like Nigeria under struggling but very caring parents, which forced him to learn early in life that he was not like other humans. To walk aided with crutches and callipers, he had to undergo seven orthopaedic surgeries. By age 6 young Cally had become perfectly suicidal. But his epiphany came the day he saw 2 huge guys pushing a very heavy wooden cart with an extreme load to earn a living. At that moment, it occurred to him that legs are not the only requirement (if actually, it is a requirement) for success and wealth. He intuitively found out that Success and Wealth respond to Success and Wealth Algorithms than to pure muscles and physical strength. He thus learnt to prioritize brain over brawn. Dr. Cussons has spent all his life (from age eleven) studying, learning and teaching success algorithms. He travels the world teaching the formula for full spectrum wealth, that is, wealth and success in your love and relationships, health and wellbeing, profession and passion, time and money freedom.

Dr. Cussons is a consultant to multinational corporations like Shell, Governments, International Development Agencies like UNIDO, MDAs like CBN, Tertiary Institutions like UNILAG, Private Companies, Groups and Individuals. He has designed and developed Business management programmes for Universities and Business schools. In March 2017, one of his organizations, Sean Cussons Business School, was chosen by United Nations Industrial Development Organization to help them in training 166,000 entrepreneurs and create more than 40,000 direct jobs. Dr. Cussons is the President of Sean Cussons Business School, Chairman of Sean Cussons Consulting Solutions Group, Agog Properties and Shelters Ltd, DextaRosi Agritech Group, BlackSynergy Ltd, etc.

His training programmes and books have transformed millions around the world and will do the same for you. 
