the new year effect or new day realities?

Jan 20, 2022 10:32 am

Hi there,

Happy New Year! - always a cliche that I am not so comfortable with. Really, life is new every second and day. The Micro-Moments matter more than the full week, month and year.

Every passing moment, we are making a deposit to our FUTURE SELF ACCOUNT. The most important question is - WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY THAT YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU FOR TOMORROW? If you can consistently answer and be faithful to this question in your actions, then, the year will be happy starting from a happy micro-moment.

We are not very serious about stopping the bite of mosquitoes but we will do everything to stop the lion. The fact is that mosquitoes kill more people than the lion. So our happy micro-moments will become happy seconds, that will become happy minutes, that will become happy hours, that will become happy days, that will become happy weeks, that will become happy months, that will eventually translate into a happy New Year.

Just do something today that your future self will thank you for tomorrow.

Stay celebrated always!


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