dear {{contact.first_name}} opportunities and threats of 2023

Jan 09, 2023 12:57 pm

Opportunities and Threats of 2023

Great things are happening in the world of business and different careers and will intensify in 2023.

The greatest opportunity is in how things are changing and how simple it has become to achieve your dreams when you have a simple android phone and data.

Paradoxically, the same source of opportunity is the greatest source of threat.

Because things are changing rapidly, it is easy for your knowledge and skills to get obsolete. Also, it's easiest to be distracted and de-focused by the same technology.

dear ,

My recommendations:-

  1. Learn and read at the speed of change
  2. Start and grow new businesses online (also take your existing business online)
  3. Integrate tech into your business and career, especially AI (Do simple search and get to understand new concepts that are taking over like CHATGPT, OpenAI, etc)
  4. Find out what people want to get solved for them not just what you want to sell (use protocols like
  5. Invest in your soft skills and motivation because CHANGE will do some blows to your energy and zest. The change that will happen this year could make you lose breath.

To Your SuperPower!

Cally Cussons PhD

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