Week 7 video and activities

Apr 20, 2023 11:01 am

Greetings all,

I hope you all had a restful nights dreaming after yesterdays session.

Here is the recording:


The suggested activities are as follows:

  • Keep dream journal for a week. Leave book beside your bed with pen, write as soon as you wake up. Process similarly to the way we work with stories.
  • Drink mugwort tea in the evening (check contraindications) as a way of inviting lucid dreaming.
  • Evening routine- switch off screens 60 mins before bed. Give yourself. break from the 'blue light' which makes your brain think it's daytime. Evening journaling: 3 things you’re grateful for, 3 wins of the day, intentions for next day.

Dreams and Vision

  • Make a vision board. Vision mind map etc. Spend an hour or so. What are your intentions and dreams for this year? Where would you like to be in five years? 10 years?

  • Clay modelling. Make dream image from clay. What is the image of my deepest dreaming? If not crafting, draw, sketch, paint your dreaming.

  • Go for a wander and stray from the path…what do you find?

  • Find a deer, milk it, make cheese. (optional ;-) )


Wishing you all a vision inducing week of restful sleep and deep dreaming.

See you next Wednesday

