Can You Do Dropshipping With Alibaba? & More

May 12, 2021 2:04 pm


I hope you're having a great week so far!

Let's begin with the news of this week:

  • If you missed the email from last week, then don't forget to check this article. It contains 8 indicators that you should know about before picking a dropshipping supplier.
  • 'After update, only 4 percent of iOS users in U.S. let apps track them' - This article here is interesting if you're currently using Facebook Ads.
  • Google announced the introduction of new artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help fight against a range of spam. Internal estimate calculates that the AI has the ability to block 99% of spam.
  • 'Why Video is the Next Big Thing in Ecommerce, and How to Harness Its Power' - A great read on Entrepreneur!

So, what about this week? Well, we got two amazing new articles for you:

In the first article, we will go over a question you might have as well, 'What phone number to use when using dropshipping with AliExpress?'

Look, If you’re new to dropshipping, you may start doubting what you should do next:

  1. Which phone number should you enter?
  2. Should it be your customer’s phone number?
  3. If so, how can you obtain it?
  4. Won’t the customer find out that you’re dropshipping with AliExpress if you enter their number?

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about phone numbers when dropshipping with AliExpress:

If you're familiar with AliExpress, then you have probably heard of Alibaba before.

But do you know if you can do dropshipping with Alibaba?

If you're not sure, or if you're just curious, then check out this new article:

Have a great rest of your week!



P.S. If you have any questions or know any topics you want us to cover, you can always reply to this email!

Also, did you join our Facebook group already? If not, check it out here!
