Dropshipping With Stripe: Everything You Need to Know & More

Mar 24, 2021 2:01 pm


I hope you're having a great week so far!

Let's begin with the news of this week:

  • If you missed the email from last week, then don't forget to check this article. It contains 14 awesome Facebook Ad examples from ecommerce stores!
  • 'The Council of Native Hawaiian Advancement is partnering with Amazon and Shopify to host its virtual marketplace.' This one is more local news, but still interesting to see what's happening.
  • Did you know that Prade ventures into dropshipping with a partnership with Net-a-Porter? Check it out in this article. Pretty interesting why they decided to shift:

'Why the dropship shift? It’ll provide Prada with more flexibility to swap in new products and, for Net-a-Porter, reduce financial risk from carrying inventory that might not sell.'

So, what about this week? Well, we got three awesome new articles for you:

In the first article, we will go over why Instagram is now one of the most powerful tools for ecommerce stores to sell products and engage with followers.

It’s a place where you can showcase your products and communicate the story behind your brand. In other words, it’s an excellent way to show your customers what life is like with your products!

If you’ve been thinking about incorporating Instagram into your marketing strategy, it’s definitely time to take the leap.

Not quite convinced yet?

Then check out these nine reasons why you need Instagram for your ecommerce store:

Are you wondering if dropshipping with Stripe is a perfect fit for you? And if it’s allowed?

In that case, the next article will be perfect for you!

Here we will tell you everything you need to know about dropshipping with Stripe. For example, ‘Does Stripe allow dropshipping businesses?’

You can find the answer here:

Imagine you’ve just launched your new Shopify store, and you’re feeling pretty good about it.

You’ve gone through the whole store, and you’re confident that it is ready to launch.

But then, you start getting a few customer complaints or don’t see the results that you were hoping for.

It turns out that you’ve made a few mistakes while setting up your Shopify store.

If that is the case, then don’t feel sad about it. We all make mistakes, and no one is perfect.

So, if you're curious, check out this article here to see if you're making one of these 24 mistakes:

Have a great day today!



P.S. If you have any questions or know any topics you want us to cover, you can always reply to this email!

On a side note, don't forget to join our awesome Facebook group here!
