16 Great High Ticket Dropshipping Product Examples & More
Feb 24, 2021 3:01 pm
I hope you're having a great week this week!
Let's start this weekly newsletter with the news of this week:
- If you missed the email from last week, then don't forget to check this article. It contains everything you need to know to get started in the hiking niche.
- 'Jet co-founder Nate Faust is building a more sustainable e-commerce experience with Olive'. Pretty interesting to read what's currently happening in the space!
- 'These Brands Are Nailing Search Visibility During the Ecommerce Boom'. Just because ecommerce is booming doesn’t mean it’s simple for brands to navigate. You can read here which brands are 'winning at this game'.
- For those that are dealing with referral spam in their Google Analytics, don't forget to check out this article from Neil Patel.
So, what about this week? Well, we got three awesome new articles for you:
In the first article, we will go over a question most beginners have, 'What is a dropshipping supplier?'
This article will contain everything you need to know from what they are, how to work with them, and how to find them.
We even included ten supplier examples for you to get you started:
If I told you that the most powerful tool for your ecommerce store is at your disposal completely for free, would you believe me?
Well, this is absolutely true; allow me to introduce you to Google Analytics.
If you didn't set up Google Analytics yet, then this article will be perfect for you:
What would you rather do; sell a cheap product 100 times per month for a $1000 profit, or sell a more expensive product 10 times per month for the same profit?
If the second option sounds more interesting to you, then you should consider doing high ticket dropshipping!
To get you started, we collected 16 great high ticket product examples that you can start dropshipping:
Have a great rest of your week!
P.S. If you have any questions or if you know any topics that you want us to cover, then you can always reply to this email!
On a side note, did you join our awesome Facebook group already?
If not, check it out here! (We reached the 800 members!)