
Jun 05, 2024 2:01 pm




Your building inspectors are your friends even though you may have concerns about your relationship in the beginning. Remember they have probably forgotten more than you know because they do it every day. The inspector’s goal is to protect you against mistakes that could result in serious consequences for your project.  The best thing you can do when a permit is issued is to study all the steps required to complete your project.


Having complete knowledge of what is in the plans is key. Study every part of every page until you know it like the back of your hand. This document is the roadmap to success. This is your inspector’s guide, and they are there to help you. If you are in doubt call or email and ask the question. Even the most experienced contractors have questions that need clarification.


Generally speaking, you will begin your relationship after the first shovel is in the ground. Study the sequence of events that are provided by the approving authority whether it’s the city, county or state. Some projects require permits from all three and it can be difficult to keep everything in correct sequence. Failing an inspection is time consuming and can be costly regarding re-inspection fees. Remember a request for re-inspection will not be acknowledged if a failed inspection fee has not been paid.


I have attached pictures that will give you an idea of the steps involved. One form is when a manual inspection is recorded, and one is when a digital inspection is recorded. Next time we're going to talk about sticks and/or blocks. Each has its pros & cons.


Stay tuned, there's a lot more to come,

Dik Muller

Digital Inspection Report A

Manual Inspection Report 
