Secret To Improving Your Duolingo English Test Score

Jul 18, 2023 7:20 am

Hi πŸ‘‹ Teacher Luke here,

Want to know a secret? There's a simple fix to a problem that could be pulling your Duolingo English Test score down! And guess what? It doesn't require hours of study.

What's the problem? It's actually something many of my students don't realize they’re doing. They’re just giving simple answers! Often, my students struggle to fully develop their ideas on the writing and speaking questions. This leads their answers being too simple and too short – not good!


Today, I'm here with practical strategies that will not only make your answers longer but significantly improve them, leading to a much-desired higher score! πŸ₯³

πŸ‘‡ Let's get to it

1. The Power of Examples

An example can add depth to your argument and make your point more persuasive. Here are some phrases and sentences you could utilize:

  • 'For instance, ...'
  • 'Take for example, ...'
  • 'An example of this would be ...'

β€œAn example of this would be the rise in vegetarianism due to increasing awareness about animal rights.”

2. Detailed Explanations

Never leave your points half-explained. Add details and explain your thoughts fully. Here are some phrases to help:

  • 'To elaborate, ...'
  • 'In other words, ...'
  • 'This means that ...'

β€œTo elaborate, technology in education, such as online learning platforms, provide access to world-class resources for students in remote areas.”

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3. Address Contrasting Views

Showcase a comprehensive understanding of the topic by discussing opposing viewpoints, and then refuting them. Here's how you can do it:

  • 'On the contrary, ...'
  • 'However, others believe that ...'
  • 'Despite this belief, ...'

β€œOn the contrary, some critics argue that online education cannot replace traditional classroom learning because it lacks face-to-face interaction.”

Don't forget, practicing these strategies with sample questions and answers is a great way to get ready for the test! Study with over 5,000 questions on our Practice Platform. πŸ‘‰


More Practice, Better Results!

Hope you found these tips helpful. I can't wait to hear bout you all crushing the DET!

Keep up the hard work,

Teacher Luke
