A big thank you!

Jun 14, 2021 12:11 pm

Hi, Teacher Luke here,

It has been a week since we launched the DETReady practice platform and we are delighted with the response it has had.

My aim is to help students all over the world to improve their English and pass the Duolingo English Test in the most accessible and affordable way! 

We have had students from over 80 countries sign up and use the platform already, and the feedback has been great!

I just wanted to say thank you if you have signed up to the platform, taken one of my courses, or watched my videos on Youtube! 

Without you DETReady wouldn’t be possible. Thank you 😃

Also, two quick updates. 

  1. We have added 100 new Listen and Select the Real Words questions to our practice platform. We will continue adding new content each week! If you haven't signed up yet, try it for free here --> practice.detready.com
  2. My latest YouTube video is out today! Full Test #7! I hope this video helps you to prepare and feel confident when you take the real test. https://youtu.be/Yx6kgp0TMz4


Keep on learning!

Teacher Luke 
