July 2024 Neteru of the Month; Journal Prompts

Jul 04, 2024 3:00 pm


Em hotep,

I hope your year has been going smoothly. If you've been following me for a while, you know that I was invited to host a couple of lectures for MelissaInDeNile's Beyond the Nile Guest Lecture Series she hosts over on her Twitch each month. I was thrilled she invited me twice to hold lectures and I had a BLAST doing them! If you weren't able to come join in live, I have great news for you:

Melissa recently let me know she had posted both of the lectures I did with her on her YouTube Channel! So, if you weren't able to make it to the lectures live and want to watch them, you can! If you also like to learn about Ancient Egypt and Egyptology in general, not just the Kemetic stuff, be sure to check her out and give her a follow if you enjoy her content.

Light as a Feather: Kemeticism for the Modern Polytheist

Lightning Strikes: KACHOW! It's Set

I hope you enjoy them and that they help you further your research. Another thing to mention is that Wep Ronpet is just around the corner! I personally celebrate it the same week each year; regardless of when Sopdet rises in my skies, it just makes it easier for me. I haven't been able to bake cakes for the past couple of years due to a lot happening, but I think I am able to do so this year and I'm excited to do so! However you choose to celebrate, I wish you the BEST in the next year and Zep Tepi.

Now, without further ado:

With a click of the button, you will see the PDF of this month's lessons via Google Docs. I do hope they serve you well. As always, my inbox is open should you need to ask any questions. I wish you the best on your path.

Click Here!

Much love,

