Friday's CPR Training (20 No Cost Business Directories!)
Jun 25, 2024 8:20 pm
First, are you able to attend the no cost CPR training on Friday?
Mike Emory almost lost his 2 month old baby boy, but his wife knew CPR and he wants to make sure everyone is equipped.
He said that 70% of CPR starts with someone inside a household.
If you can carve out the time, it's hugely important to know how to do CPR.
Go here to learn more and sign up:
We had such a powerful meeting today at Dallas Business Forum that one of our new attendees wanted to pay for the directory for anyone who didn't have one! He offered to pay for 20 directories if anyone wanted to sign up and was concerned about a cost.
That means if you sign up before July 1st, and tell me before hand, I'll give you a discount code so your directory does not cost you a dime for lifetime...didn't know I knew how to rhyme!
Go sign up at and select DallasBusinessForum and if you need a 'scholarship' just reply to this email and I'll get you a code so you can have the directory at no cost to you.
NOTE: The Business Directory is only $10 till July 1st for Lifetime. After that date, it will only be $25 per year, which is still a good deal, but not as good a deal if you act now.
Ok, take action.
If you have both of these things covered, make sure to pray for our group and one another.
Be blessed and be a blessing,