Are You Distracted From Your Goals? (Issue #12)

Nov 02, 2020 7:56 am

Hi Friends,

This past month I've been working on building a morning routine in an attempt to get into a simple and easy rhythm of flow. But recently, this has been much more challenging than ever before. I wasn't sure why...

I kept thinking back to about four years ago when I had a really strong rhythm of flow that I would use every day. I'd be awake around 5am and in full motion for 2-3 hours writing, reading, and basically spending time growing. I loved it. Recently though, it's been harder to stick to a system consistently, and I have struggled to figure out why. Then, this morning... it hit me.

I've been procrastinating, anxious that if I spend just one hour away from my team some terrible disaster will happen that will break everything! A very irrational fear, indeed. On even a deeper level, I realize that I was afraid of something else. I was dealing with the fear of success. But pause on that, while we talk about procrastination for a moment.


One definition of procrastination is...

The art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today. - Wayne Dyer

Tendencies of procrastination:

  • avoid acting on good intentions
  • tomorrow often sounds like a better day to start
  • invest high-performing hours into menial tasks
  • downplay your true attributes
  • afraid of success, being better than 'another'
  • when a task seems difficult, delay before starting
  • managing time poorly

Oh, this list hit me: guilty as charged!

And to be fair, my procrastination was tied to something that was meaningful and important, right? It was tied to making sure my team was taken care. But at what expense? It came at the expense of my best output for my team and the growth of the company.

What is holding you back?

In a book I read back in July, a quote in the chapter about procrastination read:

Is it possible that you unknowingly set up your current life to distract you from working on your personal issues and goals? - Susan Anderson

I have this hunch that in a world of endless possibilities, self-discipline requires a deeper understanding of why accomplishing a specific task or goal is worthwhile. In other words, take the gym for example. It's not just that you know you need to work out everyday, but you have a deep why for hitting the gym.

Now, as I had the realization this morning... all this was just the surface level problem. The real problem was lingering right below this...

The fear of success

Have you ever heard someone talk about the fear of success? It almost sounds a bit ridiculous. Truly, no one is afraid of success. Most people wants success.

And that, generally, is completely true.

What people are more afraid of is the consequences of the success. The expectations. The demands. The way people connect or associate with you.

For me, this few weeks of procrastination has been tied to a deeper fear, the fear of success (primarily for what success 'can' do to my relationships). So, on one hand, I'm afraid to focus on the important tasks that can make the biggest difference. And, on the other hand, I'm afraid if the success comes, it will negatively affect some of my closest relationships... Irrational? Yes. Completely.

Is it a real fear? Yes.

Have I taken one step closer by identifying it? Yes!

I see progress.

And this step of identifying the fear was a release.

And for someone who loves productivity, scale, and the ability to go further, faster - I call this the learning process of life. It helps remind me that every productivity guru either started small or has their off-season, as well.

Thought for you

Getting to the next level always requires ending something, leaving it behind, and moving on. Growth itself demands that we move on. - Dr. Henry Cloud

Where do you see procrastination show up in your day-to-day? Do you delay things that you shouldn't? What needs to get done that hasn't gotten done?

My favorite finds this week

  1. Video: Matthew McConaughey on Why Red Lights in Your Life Will Eventually Turn Green | Matthew McConaughey just released a book called Greenlights. In this interview he talks about why he has journaled for over 35+ years. I just bought it and am excited to get into it via Kindle/Audio book. (PS. Explicit language in the video).
  2. Quote: The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin Toffler
  3. Article: Fear of Success: How It Works and What to Do About It | This article by Nick Wignail is a great reminder that unconsciously we can sabotage our own success by clever, insidious patterns.
  4. Music: My morning playlist recently has been Spring Piano on Spotify. Easy listening and nice to start the day with.

All in,



By David Iskander

I'm David, a search specialist, and beginner YouTuber from Orange County, CA. My motto is: Whatever you do, do it beautifully. I enjoy making YouTube videos about website design, tech, productivity, and faith. 
