3 Thinking Models (Issue 15)

Nov 30, 2020 5:41 am

Hi Friends,

As the end of the year approaches, I continue to investigate the value of asking quality questions.

Questions to review your 2020

1. What decision did I make this year or can make next year that would double my life experience?

This is a two part question. Pro and con lists can be deceptive to use when deciding on life paths. Mainly because it's easy to write down things that other people value versus what you truly value. In that case, it's good to see what excites you - more than what is the 'most logical.' Often, I've seen in my own life that the most logical isn't always what's best for me. The fastest, cheapest, quickest isn't always the best option. Some of the best experiences in my life happened through some of the most unexpected life experiences I've had.

2. What things am I doing on a regular basis to absolutely screw up my life?

Thank you Jordan Peterson for the blunt question. It's a quality question as you examine what you are pursuing to see what to cut, not only what to add. This question led me to remove social media from my life and that has been a profoundly positive impact on my day-to-day.

3. If you took money off the table, and you didn't care at all what anyone thought - what is the thing you would love to be doing with your life?

This question is a great reminder for those of us (me included) who fall into the trap of work for work sake & people-pleasing. It's important to try and examine life goals and pursuits with a clear foundation. Where do you find your specific excitement and joy? This has always led me to the an altruistic life of service and positive impact on my environment. I even recorded a 45 minute video journal of me answering this question in my life right now.

4. What would it look like if it were easy?

A deadly-simple question but one that helps realign things. The human mind enjoys complicating things.

5. What belief or habit formed in the next 90 days would dramatically impact me to excel in other areas of my life?

Habit formation has a powerful compound effect in the day-to-day of our life. What one habit or belief, if followed for just a few weeks, could dramatically alter the direction of your life? If you started eating healthier today, how would that impact your whole life?

My favorite finds this week

“The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” — Oscar Wilde
  • Quote:
"Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of amazing courage."
  • Idea: 3 Steps to learn what you love: 1. Do it enough times to get over the fear (do it with the fear), 2. Get good at it, & 3. See if you enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, keep it. If not, try something else :)

All in,



By David Iskander

I'm David, a search specialist, and beginner YouTuber from Orange County, CA. My motto is: Whatever you do, do it beautifully. I enjoy making YouTube videos about website design, tech, productivity, and faith. 
