5 Minute Approach to Ensure a Productive Week Ahead (Issue #22)

Jan 18, 2021 2:56 am

Hi Friends,

The beginning of the year is often a time of high-pressure as everyone is out to achieve their newly minted goals and resolutions.

This year, I have some set goals (in family and finances and personal growth) but more than that, I've been loving this Selective Attention approach to life.

By eliminating options (like shopping, entertainment, or notifications), I'm left making fewer decisions, which got me thinking... How do I eliminate more and more decisions? That way, I can focus my attention on important decisions. This brings me to today's topic. A simple weekly schedule.

Simple Weekly Schedule Setup

I was asked this week by a friend about how I structure my week. This has always been an ever-evolving process but I'm really in-tune with my current system. The current system for me, how to be: simple to implement, easy to adjust, and easy to access. For almost 3 years I didn't use a digital calendar, mainly because I find it just a bit too tough to make sure things are scheduled, and honestly, I didn't want anything scheduled on my calendar!


This is how my current calendar system works on paper (It happens to be the only thing I do on paper):

  • I divide the paper in half, down the middle:
  • On the left side '80/20 Tasks' Basically, anything that if completed can drive my life, business, team forward in an amazing way. Often these are the important things that are not urgent. This list includes things like create copy for a sales page, write/record the script for a video, create a course, create a blog post, give feedback to the developer, launch.
  • On the right side 'Tasks' This is the stuff I need to get done because they just need to get done. Things like pay a bill, set up an account, call the support team, etc.

This differentiates between the big goals I need to get done (hopefully 1 a day) to have (and feel successful in my week).

Then, at the bottom of the page, I just write out the days, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Weekend. On each day, my goal is to complete at least one 80/20 task. That's all! If I do have appointments, I will add them below my 80/20 task, but beyond that, it's just a simple way for me to work.

Fun note: I use this 80lb paper as it makes my tasks feel so much more important and significant than a sticky-note.

Ps. I missed last week's newsletters. I was out and about moving. I ended up staying in the same building and love my new apartment. I feel as if it was built for me and my current life. Looking forward to spending 2021 here :) Am in the process of getting a dining table and a bookshelf for the back wall.


My favorite finds this week

  • Article: Peter Theil's Religion by David Perrell | This is a (long) interesting article that intertwines faith, silicon valley, and physiology. I haven't read it all yet but already learned some new things in just the first few minutes.
  • Video: The AMAZING Power of Your Mind - Mental Creation Explained! by Ben Hardy | Ben lays out an interesting process of mental creation with physical creation and how they share a common relationship of mental creation: HAVE — DO — BE with physical creation the opposite, BE — DO — HAVE
  • Quote from Michael Singer about surrender | "Surrender—what an amazingly powerful word. It often engenders the thought of weakness and cowardice. In my case, it required all the strength I had to be brave enough to follow the invisible into the unknown."
  • Quote from David Hawkins on poverty | "Poverty on any level, not just financial, comes from inner poverty, just as outer wealth comes from inner wealth." | A great reminder on looking within when you seek growth in any domain.

All in,



By David Iskander

I'm David, a search specialist, and beginner YouTuber from Orange County, CA. My motto is: Whatever you do, do it beautifully. I enjoy making YouTube videos about website design, tech, productivity, and faith. 
