So many deals...

Sep 16, 2023 6:05 am


Welcome, new folks!image

Hi, there. If you've joined the mailing list recently, I want to make sure you get your free Frosthelm book, Traitors Unseen. If you haven't gotten it, you can get it free here (the site will ask you to sign up for this newsletter, which you're already getting) or here from Smashwords. It's also on Apple BooksKobo, and Barnes & Noble. Please, enjoy with my compliments.

My updates

Hi, all - first some brief life updates, and then on to the deals! I've had a good start to September. I've done some writing, some game design, some marketing, some improv comedy at my local club The Idiot Box, visiting with relatives, some Baldur's Gate III with friends, and a good chunk of Starfield by myself. I'm recovering from my long, boring stint with a broken foot this summer and am now able to walk around the neighborhood, which rocks. I also got a fantasy short story accepted to an anthology, a first for me, and I'm so excited to share that with you when it's ready later this year.

At the suggestion of one of you subscribers, I also ordered a copy of The Misenchanted Sword, which has a story hook similar to my new fantasy project - an evil sword foisted upon a hapless victim. I remember reading this and liking it as a kid, and I thought it would be a good idea to have a look at it once more to make sure I stay new and innovative with my new story. It's strange reading something I read so long ago, something that's written in more of a classic 1980's D&D-inspired style than I'm used to today.

Now, the deals!

The Inquisitors' Guild is on sale!

My lowest price ever! If you like fantasy stories and want a lot of books for not much money, you could grab a copy of my well-reviewed Inquisitors' Guild series of epic fantasy detective stories. That's three novels with over 1200 pages for only $0.99! This offer is available from now through September 20th.


SFINCS books galore!

I've entered my other Inquisitors' Guild book, Traitors Unseen, in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS, pronounced "sphinx"). It's up against a hundred fantasy, sci fi, and horror novellas. You can see a bunch of them at this book fair. Many of the authors (including me) are offering those novellas for free, and the others are usually reasonably priced.


If you want guaranteed absolutely free ones to try, the ten at this other SFINCS book fair are all completely free.


Some stories to try

I'm part of several author collectives, and we share each other's work to try to help all of us reach more readers. In many cases, the books we share are are free or discounted. Sometimes, they ask that you sign up for a newsletter like this one. Here are some new books I have to share this month:

Here's a group of eleven epic fantasy boxsets (series or groups of books set in the same world, sometimes many books long) all appropriate for young adult audiences (and older).


Here's a group of thrillers from 46 indie authors, all priced from free to $4.99. I've got my thriller Got Trouble in there, and there a ton more to check out if you're into thrills and suspense (and apparently also reading in the ocean, where it makes sense you can't put them down).


Finally, here's a list of free fantasy books appropriate for young adult audiences. Lots of books here from 55 authors!



Thanks so much for being part of my newsletter community. I'd love to hear from you if you have suggestions, comments, or ideas for new books.

I hope you and your friends and family are having a safe and rewarding 2023, with plenty of time for reading (and reviewing!)

May the Bloodmother watch over you - 




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