Spiritual Reality ChecK

Jun 27, 2022 9:03 pm

Weekly Forecast

Neptune Goes Retrograde

What Your Neptune Sign Means In Astrology | YourTango

The blue giant Neptune will be going retrograde on Tuesday, 28/06. Retrogrades typically get bad a rep, but it only means that the planet is moving backwards in the sky, and the energy of the planet is turned inwardly. Prompting us to reflect on the lessons the planet has for us.

Neptune is one of the outer planets taking roughly 14 years to go through each zodiac sign. Made of water, methane and ammonia, Neptune is one of the densest of the giant planets in our solar system. Astrological Neptune represents intuition, spirituality and ideals, and it's the gate to the dream world. 

This year Neptune is going retrograde in the compassionate, gentle sign of Pisces, making us look at our dreams and see if they can be made a reality. As Neptune and Pisces represent dreams and Ideals, we will be forced to check what is accurate against what we have just made up in our minds. 

It's important to remember in these times that even if something is a dream currently, if we create practical plans, when can make our dreams a reality. This transit can remove the rose-tinted glasses that we are looking at life through, and we can either delude ourselves further or ground ourselves to take affirmative action to make it happen. 

New Moon In Cancer

3 Zodiac Signs Get A Fresh Start After The New Moon In Cancer, July 9th,  2021 | YourTango

We have the New Moon in the nurturing sign of Cancer on Wednesday, 29/06. New Moons occur once a month when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign and represent a time of new beginnings and the ending of the previous cycle. 

The new moon in Cancer is a perfect time to focus on nurturing ourselves and those we love. Often we forget the things we really need, like family, friends and self-love, but this will allow us to start a new self-care routine and maybe the opportunity to share this with those we love as well. 

This Full Moon is also connected to Jupiter, giving it expansive and positive energy. To get a full breakdown of the full moon join my New Moon Meditation on Wednesday at 9pm 

Thank you for reading

Kind regards,

Daryl Whittaker 
