SAT Bootcamp - Week 2 Update

Sep 08, 2024 9:53 pm

Hey y'all!

With our second week completed, let's cover a couple points that'll ensure everyone's on the same page.

  1. All past session materials and solved problem boards can be found in this Google Doc for your review.
  2. Please remember to fill out this Google Form with your Practice Test 5 results from last week!
  3. We're going to be taking Practice Test #6 this week in the Bluebook app. We'll also do another skills and score aggregate this upcoming weekend. Feel free to take it any time during the week, but I'll be collecting everyone's scores by Sunday 9/15.

Keep on practicing and don't forget to solve out problems on your own to reinforce everything we learned! This upcoming week will be our review week.

See you soon,

