⛄️ There's snow place like home... for bad holiday puns!

Dec 19, 2020 9:07 am

Hello !

Did you grow up or do you live where winter means snow?

I did, in a small town that was minutes from the Vermont-Canada border. In fact, we lived so close to the Green Mountain State*, my brother worked on a hill there as a ski instructor while he was in high school.

Even though I was never drawn to plummeting head-first downhill, I did sometimes agree to leave the comfort of a book by the fireplace for cross country skiing with my family as a kid. But only when it was a warm winter day, because Danika + Cold = Very Unhappy.

🇨🇦 + ❄️ = ⛷

Good Canadian that he is, Mr. Bloom has been an avid downhill skier his whole life, so in a classic "let's make sure nobody is happy" marital compromise about enjoying winter sport together, I agreed to take up cross country skiing a few years back.

The terrain around Whistler mountain, my adult home, is as different to where I grew up as... Reese Witherspoon's 32B cups to Dolly Parton's 40 Double D's. One does not approach those hills the same way, people.

I got lucky my first few forays into that wilderness, and might even have had fun on that second-to-last ski day. But the last one? There's a reason it was the last time I'll strap death sticks to my feet.

⛷ + Danika = 🤕 + 🏥

I'm told by people at the bottom of the "gentle slope" (gentle slope, my ass) that my crash was quite spectacular. And of course, everyone within earshot turned to watch as I lost control since, caring about my co-skiers' well-being, I screamed for everyone crowded at the bottom to "Moooooooooove!!"

The physiotherapist who treated me for whiplash didn't complain about the months of treatments I needed to get my neck right again. And my doctor said that the concussion I sustained didn't damage more than half my brain cells. (Okay, I made brain cell damage part up, but I did have a concussion).

Needless to say, Mr. Bloom is skiing the super-scary downhill slopes by himself. And me? Still happiest with a cup of tea, a warm blanket and a good book when the snow falls around these parts.

Where do you like your snow? Down your neck or on the other side of the window?

If you're like me, even only sometimes, check out this lovely group of holiday stories. I'm certain you'll find at least one book to enjoy this weekend. They're all holiday stories with a theme of family. No shape-shifters or dark stories here—just lots of heart-warming romance. Have a peak!


Can you see something different?

You know those brain teasers that show you two versions of a picture and you have to identify the differences? My Nana used to love those. I remember it was a special treat if she'd let one of us grandkids do her weekend newspaper puzzle!

Can you spot the differences between the two versions of my second chance, holiday romance that features the match-making Nana and her grandson Josh?


Click on the cover you prefer, and, when you reach the destination page, click again! Why? Because your two clicks will make it snow joy in the Bloom household!


No matter what tradition you're celebrating next week—even if it's my old-time favorite holiday, Bah Humbug!—I hope that peace, love and joy will join you.

love & snowystuff,


* FUN FACT: Vermont, which borders the French-Canadian province Québec (where I was born and raised) got it's name from two French words: Vert, which means green, and Mont, mountain... thus, Vermont = Green Mountain State!

PS — Here's a quick link to the small collection of peace, love and joy stories.

PPS — And this link will let you show Third Party some love in the AllAuthors Cover Contest. (I hope, like me, you find more joy in the snowy version since you can read it while you're snuggled safely inside).
