👏 "{{contact.first_name}} is the BEST reader / cheerleader / friend on the planet!"

Jun 25, 2023 10:18 pm


Hello !

Admitting one of my own character flaws today—if you're a bookkeeper or an accountant or a responsible adult, please don't judge me—I spent the weekend prepping my taxes to give my accountant. I'm only six weeks past the filing deadline this year, which is better than last year by five months. 😳

As I was listing all the things I spent business money on last year, I was taken back to many workshops—I took a lot of courses in 2022! One of them was a five day intensive. It was four hours a day of high energy group coaching and business development with a guy who is good friends with the grand daddy of life and business coaching, Tony Robbins.

I paid to participate in this program as research for The Billionaire's Shrubbery, because my hero, Will Power, is the Tony Robbins of my imagination. So, I wanted to make sure my imagination wasn't on mushrooms and that Will actually rung true to the whole billionaire, coaching guru schtick.

What I learned in those testosterone-packed days was eye-opening and cringe-inducing.

Big dick energy

Or is it, small dick energy? 🧐 Regardless, it was definitely dick energy in all the meanings and sizes of the word.

I was stunned because my career was spent working in organizations that were dominated by women. In over twenty-five years, I've had one male boss, Harvey. And if Harvey was the hero of a romance novel, he'd be a cinnamon roll—sweet and squishy.

So, back to this five days of immersing myself in the world of a real Will Power? It was challenging!

Even though it was remote, it was a guy's event. There were women there. But way more men. And the presenters were almost exclusively men. By Day Three, I wished it had been an in-person event so I could stand up and scream at the mini-Tony because every time he introduced a new dude, a new brilliant bro, it was the same introduction. And it went like this:

Ladies and gentlemen, right here, right now, we bring you a man who lives in the realm of extraordinary, where only the greatest dare to venture. He's not just good, not just great, but THE absolute BEST in his field! His success story doesn't just inspire, it ignites! It sparks a revolution!

And yet, with all his achievements, with all the accolades and applause, he remains grounded, humble, always remembering what truly matters. He is a man who knows the value of family!

Let me tell you, folks, this man doesn't just understand what it means to be a father, he epitomizes it! He's a beacon of wisdom, a pillar of strength, a wellspring of love for his children. He's their hero, their mentor, their confidant, their friend.

And as a husband, oh, he's the stuff of dreams, the kind of man who makes fairytales feel ordinary. He's a protector, a provider, a partner. He's tender, he's passionate, he's a man who loves with the breadth and depth of the ocean, and beyond.

Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up, because your life is about to be touched by greatness. Prepare to be inspired, to be moved, to be AWED! Please put your hands together, let the thunderous applause echo through the heavens because here, right now, we are about to welcome...

🙄 🤮

I know that looks like hyperbole, but I promise you, that's exactly what it was like. Every one of the men he introduced was the BEST father, the MOST LOVING husband.

And I lost my mind! I wanted to see proof of all these adored children. I wanted the happiest wives on the planet to step onto the stage and confirm that this 40-something white dude always made sure they orgasmed first, did the laundry after sex, made her coffee, did the dishes, brought her flowers ... you know, the dream man.

Even though that conference was nine months ago, I still get riled up thinking about it!

I did end up drawing from that experience in my book, but I'll always resent having paid over $300 to spend 20 hours in that big dick energy.

A better kind of billionaire


Billionaire Lumberjack's Baby by Gwyn McNamee

Grab this steamy stand-alone about a damaged billionaire, a surprise baby, the attorney stuck in the middle of it all, and discover what happens when they’re forced together in his cabin with building tension, old wounds…and a tiny human!

image The Cowboy's Lucky Lady by Janalyn Knight

If you like handsome cowboys and the courageous women they love, then Janalyn Knight’s spicy romance books are for you!


Only for the Baby by Shannon O'Connor

5 years ago Reagan and Grayson were happy, until Grayson left town on his motorcycle and Reagan with a positive pregnancy test. Now he’s back and things will never be the same.

Can they learn to forgive each other? Or will they fake it, only for the baby?

Are you active on Facebook?

I'm looking for a few folks to be my Facebook street team for The Billionaire's Shrubbery—and my other books.

It's a pretty easy job—it's basically being a cheerleader in romance reader groups, so when someone asks,

"What's a good grumpy-sunshine story?"


"What billionaire book should I read next?"


"Who's your go to rom-com author?"

you suggest The Billionaire's Shrubbery and drop the name Danika Bloom!

What do you get in return?

In addition to becoming one of my favorite people on the planet after you tell folks about Will and Virginia, I'll gift you another one of my titles that you haven't read so when a reader is looking for a hot fire fighter romance, you can recommend Cheeky with the Fire Chief.

Once you've collected all of my ebooks, I'll send you some romance-themed stickers and a cute magnet.

After you've got those, I'll send you a paperback copy of any one of my books (not signed, though, since postage from Canada is insane 😣).

Interested in being on the team?

Excellent! It's easy as this:

  1. Reply and let me know which romance reader Facebook group(s) you're active in. (Share the links if you can)
  2. Tell me which of my books you've read.
  3. Let me know if you've read The Billionaire's Shrubbery yet (it's still on pre-order for just $2.99, but the price is going up right after launch to $4.99 - oh, and it's launching a few days earlier than planned. It will be live on July 7!)
  4. Hang tight! I'll get back to you with more details!

My eyes are screaming at me. Two full days of staring at spreadsheets is no fun when your eyeballs are as experienced as mine! Oh, wait—they're also exhausted since I listened to Happy Place by Emily Henry this weekend ... sigh. Have you read it yet? I loved it, but I spent as much time blinking away tears as I do reading a Colleen Hoover novel. 😭

Here's hoping you find the perfect romance read this week!

love & stuff,



PS—I really hope you'll join my street team if you're active on Facebook. I've got stickers I'm dying to send you!
