a little psychology to brighten your day

Feb 22, 2021 9:36 pm

This one simple action takes twelve seconds and can give you a hit of feel good hormones every time you open an email.... honest!


Dear Charming ,

Several months ago I was cleaning up my contact list, removing the emails of people who never open my messages. (Rude!) As I scanned the list of names one jumped out at me—a contact who'd called herself 'Charming Natasha'.

As it happens, I know this Charming Natasha character in real life, so I asked, "What's up with the name?"

She told me that she'd read an article that suggested we should add a positive adjective in front of our name when we join mailing lists. The reason? Every time you open a message from that sender, you'll get a little hit of joy.

"Why, yes, I am charming. Thank you for noticing," you'll think, smiling to yourself.

Charming isn't a word I'd use to describe myself. And I don't think many of my friends would think of that one in their top five ways to describe me, either. It works for Natasha though! As would delightful, funny and smart.

For me? Well, sticking to the positive (because there are lots of snarky things one could call me!), words that I could see adding to my own greeting might be creative, quirky or upbeat.

What word would you love to be addressed by? What little description would give you a hit of 'feel good' when you opened your emails?

Dear delightful ...

Hello brilliant ...

Hey vivacious ...

Tell me so I can change it on my contact list so every note I send you will greet you that way. Really, I will. How would you love to be addressed, so that opening my messages will give you the warm and fuzzies?

Speaking of feeling warm and fuzzy. Or hot and bothered...

If you missed my reading you can see it here!

On Valentine's Day, I did my first ever solo book reading. I won't lie—I spent days (and nights) fretting about it. In the end, I guess it went okay. Everyone who was with me when I started reading was still there when I finished the chapters. Phew.

Check it out here. I'd love for you to follow my YouTube channel and like the video, if you'd ever want to watch me read more chapters from this book (First In: A steamy small-town firefighter romance) or any of my other books.


If you've read any of my books, is there a scene you'd like me to read?

Not promising anything—I don't think I could read the donut scene from First In or the massage scene from Second Breath—at least not with my camera on!

Cookies for everyone!

Did you know that one of the best ways for indie authors to find new readers is by offering cookies? It's true. In the biz, a free book or sample is called a cookie. I assume since it's usually a small, tasty bite. Though some authors give away what, in my metaphor, would be more like cakes—full length novels!

Why do we do this? Because we hope you'll love the special ingredient that we put in our 'toll house taster' enough to check out the books that we have for sale. I hope you'll scroll through each of these... cookie jars.... and see what romantic treat jumps out at you.

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Well, lovely and talented , I hope your week ahead is filled with sweetness. I'm starting mine off with a third trip to see a physiotherapist for a shoulder injury I sustained in my sleep. I wish I was joking.

Dear Clumsy Danika... that would be accurate, but I really don't need to be reminded of that exceptional skill of mine.

love & charmingstuff,



PS—I'm not kidding. Tell me how you'd like me to make your contact name more fun and more uniquely you.

Hit reply. Give me your word. I'll make it so.
