How *not* to celebrate your husband's milestone birthday....

Feb 19, 2022 9:05 pm


Do you consider yourself a good patient when you're not feeling well?

Hello !

<Cough, cough, cough... heavy sigh...>

I think of myself as a very good patient when I'm sick. The best kind of patient, in fact.

I don't ask for much other than to be left alone in a dark, quiet room to fight the dread pirate bug on my own. I consider this a checkmark in my "positive personality traits" column.

Interestingly, Darling Husband sees my independence and "live and let me die alone" attitude a challenge, not a blessing. Go figure!

It started with a sore throat. It's nothing, just a cold, said I. Still, I cancelled my Covid booster since I didn't want to expose anyone to whatever bug had taken a free ride on my immune system.

The next day my sore throat was worse than any strep I've ever had. And had taken purchase in both ears... ever had a sore throat in your ear canals? It is exactly zero fun. Since I couldn't speak or swallow for the pain, I put myself to bed without breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Day Three, Darling Husband insisted I eat. He made me bone broth. Healthy, nutritious. Nauseating. I kept two sips down for about an hour.

All I wanted was to be left alone, to let the bug run its course. All my hero wanted was to do something, anything, to help me feel better. Well, anything other than leave me alone! And fair enough since I had taken over our bedroom, forcing him to sleep on the couch in my office.

He called our doctor who asked to see photos of my throat and determined from my symptoms (which now included chest pain, fever, and a headache) that I probably had covid.

In my opinion, when one is a woman of a certain age, there are two tests that you do NOT want to see a second pink line appear on... pregnancy and Covid. All I can say is, Thank the goddess I am not pregnant!

Today is Day Five and I've eaten a piece of toast... I even left the bedroom and watched a movie with my man this morning—each of us on our own side of the living room. Sadly, I didn't make him breakfast or even remember to wish him a happy 60th birthday, which is today. Oops.

Since now he can't celebrate with our kids or friends, my gift to him is letting him dote on me for the day... the things we do for love. 😏

Books I promised I'd share this weekend

If I hadn't promised to share these today, I'd have waited to write. So I hope you'll check them out. You might find a new-to-love author...


He’s my brother’s best friend, my nemesis while growing up. Our prank wars were epic.

His mere presence at Nighthawk Search and Rescue’s training facilities could put all my hard fought for plans at risk. I came to Nighthawk for training so that I could make a difference at home and unbeknownst to me, the county leaders sought to circumvent my dreams by sending him to train as well.

Download Nadia’s Nemesis for free. 




They say trouble comes in threes. I've taken two shots to the gut today and it's only noon.

But trouble #3 is the killer. Her name is Amanda Lake. Coach Lake. My world ender.

And the one woman on campus who's untouchable.

Warning: Language and sex for a mature audience.

Check out I Want to Know What Love Is.

And a huge thanks! You delivered gold!

Two weeks ago I asked for your ideas about a new book project I agreed to be part of and oh my gracious, did you ever deliver! I had so much fun learning about the kinds of heroes and heroines you'd love to read about.

I was amazed at how much overlap there was—seems there aren't enough romance novels featuring heroes who are good with their hands. Three people said they'd love to see a carpenter as the heroine's main squeeze. Also of interest, a marine, a recluse who loves books, a male romance author, and two people suggested a hero with a hidden identity.

As for heroines, you shared fewer jobs but more in terms of her personality. Basically, if she's sassy and independent she should be a good match for the guy. I can work with that!

Most interesting is something that I've been pondering for months—how old to make the couples in my next series. The couples in the four books in The Mixed Six-Pack series are all in their twenties. But the ideas I've had for my next series features older couples.... late 30s to early 40s. And that is right in line with what you would like to see. Huzzah!

Big thanks to Savi, Jeanette, Tonya, Ardelle, Megan, Merike, Crystal, Michelle, Kassandra, Cecilia & Aksita for sharing your ideas. I will have fun naming something in the story after you!

Stay safe

If I can get Covid living in a tiny village, barely ever leaving home, always wearing my mask when I do, being double vaxxed... it truly is the dread pirate of bugs. Stay safe. No fun was had in this experience.




PS—Tell me, what kind of a patient are you? And what kind of sick person do you like to take care of? Would I drive you crazy or would you be grateful to not have to listen for a bell, calling on you for ginger ale and crackers?
