💞 🧛‍♂️🐲👰🏻 - The master list of All. The. Emails....

Feb 16, 2022 9:49 pm

Hello !

In a minute or two I'll be hitting send on a message to you from my Donna Barker Google Drive. Watch for it!

It is a link to the csv file of the data I just downloaded from BookFunnel. I've sent you all the data that BookFunnel gathers, including the person's country, in case any of that is valuable to you.

The file is restricted to people/email addresses I've added to the folder, so if you try to download it and it doesn't work, try a different email address. A few of you did not use gmail so those might be a little more trouble...

If you still cannot access the file, reply to this message and I'll email it to you tomorrow. Please don't reply to the invitation since I don't look at the gmail as carefully.

Thanks again for your enthusiastic participation in this project! I'm blown away by how many people downloaded the PNR coloring book - and kind of wish I wrote PNR so I, too, could take advantage of the 1800 names!

A tale of the dread Unsubscribe

A coupe of authors in the first coloring book group said they had a 10% unsubscribe rate from their new list, two emailed to say they had their normal 1% and a couple reported 3-5% in the Facebook group... if you're worried that 1800 new, untested names could have a higher than normal unsubscribe rate that might flag your email client, here's an idea to help avoid that.

An idea to reduce Reported Unsubscribes

  1. Create a simple "Thanks for unsubscribing" page on your website.
  2. In your 1st email to the new names put a big button up high in your message that says, "Want to unsubscribe? Hit this button."
  3. The "unsubscribe" button directs people to YOUR website.
  4. BEFORE you send another email to that list, be sure to manually remove all the names of people who clicked the link.
  5. Hooray! They've unsubscribed without becoming an unsub statistic!
  6. Double hooray! Their click has actually increased your email deliverability since your email service interprets that as you sending good emails to the right people... sneaky smart!

Watch for the email from authordonnabarker@gmail.com coming to you very soon....

Stay yourself,

Donna / Danika
