Do you live and learn? Or are you like me? 😬

Oct 10, 2021 2:01 am

A life without love, is like a year without summer. And a week without sleep, is like a year without sleep. Stupid, stupid, Danika!


Dear ,

How have you been the last two weeks?

Have you read a book that kept you up past your bedtime? Tell me the title.

Have you binged a new series, or new-to-you series? I need to know!

I've done both recently and I wish I could say I don't regret it but I do. I let myself get way too overtired and no matter how exhausted I feel, I simply cannot lie down and fall asleep unless it's actual bedtime.

So when I don't turn out the light by 11pm, I suffer the next day. And when I get engaged in a book or a TV show too many nights in a row... gah... I start to look and feel like the walking dead.

Tonight, though. Tonight I will be a healthy human and not stay up read "just one more chapter." I hope.

What books wreck your sleep?

I might have mentioned that I've started writing a new series. Four brothers, like my last series, The Mixed Six-Pack, but these new heroes are quirky billionaires. Until these guys popped into my head, I'd not read many, if any, billionaire romances. I'd assumed that I wouldn't be able to relate to characters who live in a world so foreign from my own. I felt like it would be like reading science fiction.

But I was wrong. So wrong.

These uber-rich heroes, and in a few cases, heroines, may not be schlepping groceries on city busses, but their troubles, I found, are relatable. And I'm just having an epiphany that perhaps I've been subconsciously pushing myself to ruin my sleep since the hero in my work-in-progress, The Billionaire's Shrubbery, has a sleep disorder that's making his life far more complicated (and funny) than it need be.

If you've been reading my emails for awhile, you may recall that I have a bad habit of 'becoming' my characters when I get into their heads—or they get into my head. You've heard of character actors? I tend toward being a character writer.

Also, a friend recently suggested I have Multiple Character Disorder... I think she might be on to something. All these characters in my head, one making me stay awake so I can feel his pain, another forcing me to watch dark drama so I understand how her mind works... it's exhausting.

Back to my question, What books wreck your sleep?

I'd really love to know more about you, , the romance reader.

Win a $10 Amazon gift Card

Just click that picture, answer (mostly) multiple choice questions about your romance reading interests and habits, and, you'll be entered to win a $10 USD (or equivalent in your currency) Amazon gift card.


(If the image doesn't work—my email server has been randomly adding an extra 'https'— here's a direct link:

The winner of my paperback

Last month, I asked folks to add my newest release, Rhodes to Love, to your Goodreads To Be Read list and offered a paperback copy of my first book in the series, First In, to one lucky reader... and that person is... Kimberly E of WA state.

Thank you all for helping my latest book find new readers. I appreciate you and wish I could be more like Oprah and give books to everyone, books to everyone!

3 authors to keep you up too late tonight

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Find new authors in these group promos

These promos are how I've found many of the books that are keeping me company while Mr. Bloom watches reruns of old sitcoms. There's some overlap between them, but every promo has something different to offer you. Go on! Click them all. See if you can find one book in each group that catches your eye.

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It's already mid-afternoon here in the rainy Pacific Northwest. It's a perfect day to stay inside and get an early start on the next book in my own TBR pile—Mr. Mayfair by Louise Bay.

Thanks so much for stopping your scroll to read this note. Hit reply and let me know what book or series or film I need to add to my 'must read / must watch' list. I trust your taste since you read my books!

Love & sleepdeprivationstuff,



PS—Don't forget to take a minute to tell me about the romance you love. The survey is quick and might even be fun. And you might win $10 for helping me out. Here's the link again, to the romance reader survey.
