🙏 I have a quick, click favor 🥰

Dec 09, 2020 7:49 am

Hello ,

Sorry to bounce into your inbox twice in two days, but I need your support to help my latest book, Third Party: A steamy, second-chance holiday romance, make it to the next round of voting in the AllCovers contest.

Books accumulate votes and move from one round to the next with their last round's votes, so even though this is only round 2 of 4, your support now would be so valuable.

Vote for Third Party!

Some people are able to vote without registering, while others have said they need to create an account. I totally understand if that doesn't appeal to you. But, if you could click and see if you're a lucky one who doesn't need to join to vote, I'd be grateful.

The value of being in contests like this is the profile our books get with new potential readers. And, being Indie published in the romance genre... well, I need all the help I can get since there are so many great books competing for reader's time.

Thanks so much. I appreciate your support more than you can know.



PS—If you click 'Reply' and let me know you've voted, I'll send you an extra special thank you before Christmas. 🎁
