Heeeere's Homemade Scratch Art!

Jul 17, 2023 1:46 pm

Hey there, , have you ever made your own scratch art board? It's super easy!!


That top part where you scratch off is simply a mix of equal parts dish soap and black acrylic paint (I know, mind blown!).

In this week's video, I'll show you the whole process, step-by-step. I used this project as a metaphor for recovering the gifts that a lost loved one has given you, but that got covered because of the darkness of grief and pain (see where I'm going here?).

When you scratch your own designs into the soft covering, revealing colors underneath, you'll feel inspired too.

Supplies needed:

- 1 piece of scrap paper and a pen or pencil

- 1 piece of card stock or watercolor paper

- 1 paintbrush (fan brush recommended)

- black acrylic paint

- dish soap

- mixing cup

- household implements for scratching (I used a fork, chopstick, and a dull pencil)

Watch the video

Let me know how it goes for you!

