How to make a Pandemic appear like MAGIC
Jun 24, 2021 7:01 pm
June 24, 2021
Dear ,
What is a pandemic? In the Covid-centric society that we live in today, the medical profession no longer uses the same criteria that was used to describe prior pandemics such as the Hong Kong Flu outbreak of 1968-69 or the so-called Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-20. This change has major repercussions on public health policy.
Pandemic: Prior to the swine flu outbreak of 2009, the World Health Organization defined a pandemic as simultaneous epidemics that occurred globally that involved a highly infectious disease and an enormous number of fatalities. Since then, the WHO no longer takes illness severity and high mortality rates into account when determining whether a pandemic exists.
Herd Immunity: The herd immunity theory was co-opted during the 1930s from its original concept put forth a decade earlier and is being heavily promoted today as gospel by the mainstream press and allopathic doctors. Originally, herd immunity sprang from the idea that a family or community (the ‘herd’) obtained resistance and immunity to an infection by being exposed to it through natural contact. In 2020 the WHO revised its definition of herd immunity by stating that it can only be acquired through vaccinations and excludes natural recovery from a prior infection.
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Dale Komai
Sales and Marketing Director
Organic Sulfur for Health
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