Hi CSHEO: 0 to 900 Update (week 1)

May 09, 2024 6:16 pm

CSHEO Toya's Official Weekly Update

Hey sis,

I did what needed to be done. After losing the email list I created 4 years ago, I made a conscious decision in 3 minutes to rebuild...start it all over...create a brand spankin new list!

I will share a video weekly as it pertains to this challenge, I will share things like, instructions, updates, and what' working or not working for me. View the intro video here: View Week 1 Video and leave your comments


The beauty of this OPPORTUNITY for me, is that I get to do it with you ;) We are going to go slow to go fast, which means we are going to take our time to do it as rightly as we can in the beginning, as we sure up our footing, naturally we can move faster with building ;)

If you are new at this, please give yourself grace, we may mess up along the way, but nevertheless, we are doing this, and will be successful together!

Email is statistically one of the best ways to stay in long term communication with your audience, it is also a great way to build trust. When people trust you and know you, they will refer you, and they will purchase from you if you have an offer that suits them.

Next week, we will talk about tools for email marketing.

Have you decided to start or expand your email list this season? Please reply and tell me your goal ;)

Rooting for you and me,

