Instagram LogoYou are wealthier than you think. We offer a road map to Financial Freedom. Be Financially Focused and take 21 days to Supercharge your Investment Returns Are you invisible at work? It could cost you millions Consider this scenario: I’m a middle-aged man and feel like I’m almost invisible at work. I’ve been in the same professional role for over 15 years and even though I consider myself very experienced and always do the job to the best of my ability, I am overlooked for promotions. Younger, less experienced colleagues always seem to get their ideas heard over mine, while it’s taken for granted that I will just get on with the job. This is making me feel resentful and unappreciated. Is there anything I can do to change things? We tackle this pressing concern in this video. Does this sound familiar? Could this be you? Does HR even know you more than just your employee number? Guess what? This may just be how your financial advisor is treating you. Are you just a number to your financial advisor? If you are not building a case for promotions or salary increases with HR and you are not demanding better service from your financial advisor, you are losing millions. I am here to tell you that You are wealthier than you think. We offer a road map to having better conversations with your financial advisor to get more money from your portfolio. Check out the new FREE 21 day Challenge at to Supercharge your Investment Returns. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #businessconsultant #theimperfectboss #freelancingfemales #sidehustlegal #takecontrolofyourlife #meditateonthis