20 Years Cosmicleaf
Nov 12, 2024 1:36 pm
Hello Cosmic Fam
Continuing our 20th-year anniversary celebration its time to remember our first artist's album we had back in 2005, artists that back then were total unknown in the scene and grow up together with us lovely initiating our first basic roster that grew up through the years but still remains specific and tight.
we offer them at #nameyourprice #freedownload for a week only.
cosmicleaf.bandcamp.com/album/architect 1st album of D. Batistatos
cosmicleaf.bandcamp.com/album/art-of-harmony 1st album of Zero Cult
cosmicleaf.bandcamp.com/album/emotional-diving 1st album of Side Liner
More catalog to explore from our artists:
also our 1st compilation Chill On Ice #nameyour price
The offer will expire this Friday night 15/11.
Make sure to follow us on Bandcamp for not miss other fast discounts and offers as we contact more often through their our audience.
www.cosmicleaf.gr (Official Website)
https://cosmicleaf.gr/playlists (Playlists)
https://cosmicleaf.gr/tag/63/free-download/releases (#nameyourprice #freedownloads)
https://www.patreon.com/cosmicleaf (Support / Download Mixes)