How to charge high fees from your client.

Jul 08, 2022 12:30 am

My apologies, for not being able to write emails the past few days after the Freelancing Summit.

Truth is...

I've been busy with personal and client work that as much as I'm supposed to engage with you via email, I was MIA (missing in action) for a few days.

Thus I'm making a sincere apology right now,

Anyways, let's start all over, just want to see if anyone is up for reading my emails.

Now, as opposed to the reason that most online business send emails to announce a sale.

This email is not being sent to you to do that.

Although, there have already been some few good people who are asking me if I have a course they can learn further about copywriting.

And while I did entertained the idea in my head,

At this point in time I'm not quite ready.

And it's not because I don't want to share my talents or my knowledge on that matter.

The bombard of so many task at hand is what's stopping me at the moment.

Creating a course needs more time and dedication, and focus on my mentees if ever I build a course.

Also, the consideration of the need to charge the right price for it.

However, can't do that right now.

What I can offer you though are email lessons about freelancing to help you also as a newbie freelancer.

So watch out for emails like this from me.

Especially when you are an aspiring copywriter or marketer.

Anyway, enough about me, now let's talk about you.

So, now that the Summit's over what next?

How do you think you can get clients that will pay you premium?

How do you charge Php35K - Php100K and above monthly, or more?

Now, let me share with you this little secret Chris Do and Blair Enns shared in one of their podcast.

Read on this... it's totally free:

  1. Charging your desired rate is all in the MINDSET.
  2. Your attitude towards money impacts the way you make it.
  3. Don't confuse what your parents taught you about talking money, ie. It's impolite to talk about money at a family council or at a dinner table.
  4. In the business world, an inability to talk about money at the appropriate time is considered a sign of POOR BUSINESS ACUMEN.
  • It's shows you're afraid of the subject, and if you're afraid of the subject, you're going to loose on the subject when in the win-loose situation.


Learn to talk about money, don't avoid it.

Talk about it early and often.

The more you do this, the more it becomes easy for you to spit out your numbers when asked, "How much are you charging for this project?"

Hope you learned something today.


Edellen Reyes
