The Magic of Rosemary … Here’s to Good Health CHEERS!

“Add Rosemary Every Day For Your Health” Dr Peter Dingle Rosemary is just one of many herbs and spices that not only enhance and preserve the flavour, aroma, and colour of food and beverages, but they can also protect from acute and chronic diseases....

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Apr 01, 2024
Unlocking the Power Within: Embracing Self Love

In a world where love seems readily available externally, why is it so challenging to extend the same warmth and affection towards ourselves and embrace self-love?  The journey of self-love is a complex and deeply personal one, fraught with obstacles...

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Apr 01, 2024
Evensong by Kevin Keller

Composer and musician Kevin Keller has in Evensong created a most relaxing and deeply tonal series of compositions to enchant and rejuvenate based on the ancient music of Hildegard of Bingen, an Abbess who lived more than 800 years ago. She was a vis...

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Mar 29, 2024
Dr Sandra Cabot Seminars

I am excited to let you know that during 2024 I will be doing seminars and workshops all over Australia. I have been a medical doctor for 50 years and I have been a pioneer in integrative medicine, having helped thousands of patients now is “your tim...

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Mar 27, 2024
Conscious Living Magazine’s March Issue

In Conscious Living Magazine’s March Issue The Shift Has Begun – What Does it Mean for you? Raise Your Vibrational Frequency with Soul Cycle Meditations for Peace and Uplifting Mass Consciousness, UFOs, Near-death experiences, and Kundalini Awakening...

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Mar 05, 2024
Talking to Trees by the Song Gardeners

Talking To Trees” is a catchy little single from The Song Gardeners that is upbeat, and mellow and resonates with a delightfully fresh feel to the melody, simple lyrics and a nice blend of vocals and instrumentation. Founded in 2019 by Corrie Dunn an...

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Mar 03, 2024