The state of the coaching industry..

May 17, 2024 1:47 pm

Hi ,

The coaching industry is plagued by unethical providers that cannot deliver on their promises.

The lack of integrity and authenticity is not exclusive to marketers targeting coaches, but the entire coaching profession is brought into disrepute to the point where many people cringe when they hear the word “coach.”

Our mission is to help people on their journey of growth find credible providers and to improve the reputation of the industry.

We have designed a reputation management platform. Much like TripAdvisor for travel, our platform allows coaches like you to showcase their knowledge and display their credibility, helping those seeking support with their personal and professional development make an informed decision when choosing a provider.

We are giving away 100 free lifetime memberships that will enable you to create your profile and start collecting reviews, which will help us further optimize our platform before we scale up.

Our next 100 members can register for a no-cost lifetime account and create their profile here.

Display your reviews, showcase your knowledge and reputation, and help us reshape the coaching industry by raising standards.

Should you have any questions, I am at your disposal, and you can contact me via email or by booking a call here.

Kind regards,

Mike Handa

