Improve the general perception of the coaching profession - an Open Letter To Fellow Coaches

May 19, 2024 12:42 pm

Dear ,

Since you are a coach like me, you probably also receive hundreds of offers, emails, and DMs every week.

In the late 2010s, a seedy group of marketers started advertising that coaches can make over $10K a month and that you can be the next Tony Robbins if you follow their system.

All the wannabe marketers suddenly thought coaches were loaded and jumped on the bandwagon, which spiraled into your inbox being flooded with offers all the time. This is not one of those emails.

Around the time the whole marketing guru culture kicked off, my unrelated software company got acquired. For the very first time in my life, I had the freedom to do what I really wanted to. However, my involvement in the coaching industry happened by chance, in an unconventional way.

My foundations in learning and development were from sports and military self defense training rather than from corporate leadership or HR.

The transition into personal and professional development from sports revealed a stark contrast between two professions, both branded as “coaching”.

Analyzing the differences between the two led me to a discovery what will change the coaching industry forever.

Sports coaching is a high-integrity profession where your results speak for themselves. The industry standards and business practices in sports are mostly ethical and transparent.

So how could there be so much ambiguity around coaching for personal and professional development?

Just like psychology, coaching is not an exact science, but neither is sports science.

In contrast, psychology and sports coaching are recognized and respected professions, whereas coaching is frequently frowned upon outside of top corporations.

The meaningless fluff written by AI and published by coaches, or seedy marketing techniques promoted by even seedier marketers, are surely not helping the public perception of our trade.

If you are in your 40s like me or older, you might remember a time when restaurants used to scam tourists and rip off holidaymakers. There were scattered sources on the internet to guide you on where to go and where not to go, but people often found them too late.

It took the invention of TripAdvisor to rid hospitality of scammers and develop ethical practices.

In coaching, where you expect clients to risk making life-changing decisions, invest their time, and spend over $1K in working with you, the stakes are much higher than an overpriced restaurant bill during a holiday.

I created Coach Professionally, where coaching clients can share their experiences and rate their coaches to raise the standards and bring transparency to the industry.

I invite you to join me on my quest to change the general perception of coaching and to show the world the real value of legitimate personal and professional development practices.

All you have to do to help is create a free profile on and start collecting reviews.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me via email or book a suitable time for a call here.

Kind regards,

Mike Handa

