Why I built Coach Professionally?

My journey to the coaching industry My journey to coaching wasnt straightforward. I had experience with leadership and personal growth, but my background wasnt in corporate HR at all. Ive been an entrepreneur since 2006 and Ive built two software...

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May 18, 2024
TedTalk: The Gift of Foreignness

If we collaborate with people who are culturally different (e.g. by nationality, by gender or by generation), we tend to see it as a problem. Often we groan inwardly and react with thoughts like "No, thats not the way to do it. Or Crap, this is never...

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Apr 08, 2024
7 Days to Lasting Happiness - Free email Course

In this free email course, you will learn what happiness truly is, how to be happy, and how to stay happy going forward. Each day, you'll receive engaging content, actionable exercises, and self-paced activities designed to empower you to take immedi...

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Feb 11, 2024
Learn About Discussions

This is a sample discussion topic. You and your members can create discussion topics for any purpose. Popular uses for the Discussion Post Type include Questions & Answers, Bulletin Boards, Forums, FAQs and more. The admin of the website can sele...

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Mar 10, 2021
Great person to work with

I had a wonderful experience working with this company. They were very professional and I would recommend them to my friends and family. They were on time, responsive and completed the job within budget. I'm very pleased that I went with this company...

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Jul 30, 2015