Basic Skills You (+Even Pro Coaches) Need

Jun 23, 2023 6:36 pm

Hi ,

A famous pro golfer is often quoted to having said,

The harder you practice, the luckier you get.

There's debate about who said it first. Let's not get into that.

What matters more is that practicing skills - even the basics - doesn't even escape the pros. No matter how long you've been in the game, your practice time matters.

Why am I mentioning this?

Well, as I prepared for the creation of this newsletter about the basic skills for great coaches, I thought, "well, most subscribers have been around for a while." Then I thought, "so what?! - we all need to refresh the basics regularly."

Not only that, I believe if you have coached for a while then you probably educate newer coaches and those who consider becoming a coach. You can forward this newsletter or the article to them:

Coaching Session Basics – A Primer For New (+ Seasoned) Coaches

Read more

Whether you are new to coaching or a seasoned pro, please share your insights:

  1. How do you practice your skills and expand them?
  2. Do you join regular training each year?
  3. Are you participating in pay-it-forward volunteer coaching opportunities?

After reading the the article, let us know what you would add!

What would you pass on to other coaches?

You can respond directly to this email. Humans on the other side will read it. Who knows, with your permission, maybe you'll get a small claim to fame if your contribution is shared with other readers. =)

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Enjoy the weekend,


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