This man knows why "leads" delete your emails

Sep 01, 2023 1:46 pm

Hey ,

If your list of followers is growing, you're one step closer to world domination.

Maybe that's not what you want.

Maybe you have more noble aspirations.

Perhaps you want to make friends.

Or get leads.

Maybe revenue.

Is it working? Are they signing up?

Well, I know someone who knows why. Yup.

I've invited email marketing expert and guest author Ed Forteau to share his interesting insights in this article:

How Your Email Marketing Campaigns Get 10X More Leads

You will like this because he shares some eye-openers:

  • Why email subscribers should be your priority > social followers
  • What makes email marketing campaigns fail
  • What you can do to get more leads (and revenue!) from email campaigns

If what you're doing now isn't getting you the results you want, change it.

In other words:

If you change nothing, nothing changes.

Mic drop.

What's your favorite manipulation quote to move people into action?

Just kidding.

Just give it a look.

The No.1 topic on our website is "lead gen", meaning, you really, REALLY want to know how to get more leads that turn into revenue. That's why I've decided to invite Ed to share his insights, so don't miss it. He has results to prove his advice is making (you) money.

Thank me later.

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