✨ Swanie's Entire Saga In One Boxed Set ✨

Apr 10, 2024 8:31 pm


Even the header today celebrates the release of the biggest and most perilous compilation of stories I've written so far in my life. 🎉

✨ Get it NOW! ✨

Sure, the complete collection of His Name Was Augustin has been hanging out quietly on my book shop since early last year, but I'm well aware not everyone's willing to take a chance on a weird online shop nobody's ever heard of.

I'm a consumer too, so I understand the uncertainty. 😉

If you decide to buy Swanie's saga on my shop anyway, you'll also get the chance to add a secret bonus story to your purchase. One that reveals the back story of a rather important-but-not-so-honorable Teuton priest who cheated on his Lady in a vain attempt to escape the claws of fate. 💀

Want all the gory details even Swanie never knew? Grab the boxed set HERE and then snag the bonus novella during checkout!

Buuuuuuuut I know some people don't like to read about cheating. If that's you, feel free to skip over His Name Was Augustin. Considering that once Swanie meets Augustin, she picks him over anyone and everyone...even when fate steps in. True love will smash all barriers whether people like it or not.


“I must free you, because I love you more than I love myself.”


Join Swanie in a dark and twisted journey through time as she seeks to unravel the mysteries of her people. When she finds herself falling in love with a priest who serves a demon, Swanie must rethink her views on good and evil. Can she and Augustin seize a unified destiny at the price of her soul?


His Name Was Augustin Complete Collection includes:

  • Arcane Gateway: Swanie juggles elemental magic and unrequited love while seeking her purpose in life.
  • Veiled Magic: Swanie and Vreni explore their newfound sorcery and grapple with young love. Novella set during the timeline of Arcane Gateway.
  • Mystic Passage: Swanie travels to the past to uncover her people's mystical secrets, only to fall desperately in love with a priest who serves a demon.
  • Astral Fantasia: Swanie faces a loveless marriage and tragic loss while her city’s destruction looms on the horizon.
  • Cryptic Pathway: Swanie contends with an unwanted fate and a bond that shatters her dreams.
  • Lurid Curse: Swanie faces the dark side of magic as demonic forces strive to claim her most guarded secret.
  • Winter Flame: Vreni’s elemental magic creeps ever closer to the surface as Las Vegas billionaires appear on the scene. Novella set during the timeline of Lurid Curse.
  • Numinous Fortune: Swanie joins forces with her long lost love to shatter a demon’s hold on her destiny.
  • 3 Bonus Chapters and 2 Bonus Epilogues


Get it on Amazon (for only 2 weeks):

US - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1B3VDSX

UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0D1B3VDSX

Canada - https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0D1B3VDSX

Australia - https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0D1B3VDSX

Universal - https://books2read.com/hnwacomplete

Get it on another retailer:

Apple - https://books.apple.com/us/book/id6480409600

Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=dqP-EAAAQBAJ

Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/en/ebook/his-name-was-augustin-complete-collection

Barnes & Noble - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/1145232907?ean=2940186042549

Smashwords - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1544526

Get it at my book shop:


Check out some graphics that offer a sneak peek at what to expect from Swanie's journey through elemental magic, forbidden love, and time itself. Then grab your copy today, especially if you read on Kindle. Time is short!




Remember, all 8 books in Swanie's saga are on sale for only $9.99 for just a short time. I know we're all strapped for cash right now, myself included. So if you're a bargain hunter, now's the time to grab your copy of the giant boxed set. Get it right this second at your favorite retailer:


Or at my shop:


I really appreciate you sticking with me as a reader, whether Swanie's saga is a bit too grim for you or not. The standalone novels in my Elemental Bloodlines series take place in the same fantasy realm, but involve much lighter themes. And the series is complete, with 8 Teuton couples inviting readers to join them on their magical journeys to love. Check out the series here:

✨ Elemental Bloodlines ✨

Now I'd better get going since my brain's still in "plotting" mode for the next adventures starring elemental witches and the Teuton dudes who love them. There's a brand new saga percolating in the cauldron right now, and it just might involve one of the Black Priests mentioned in Elemental Bloodlines...and in His Name Was Augustin. 👀 Can you guess which one?

I'll catch up with you again next week, and in the meantime, happy reading!

Talk to you soon,

C.L. Carhart

His Name Was Augustin Complete Collection:


Get HNWA on Amazon:


Get HNWA on my shop

(and add a secret novella at checkout):


Elemental Bloodlines series:

