Tuesdays Like That!

Apr 04, 2022 6:19 pm

Dear ARC team,

Thank you all SO MUCH!!!

You have been so wonderful and supportive in this release. So many of you have gone above and beyond with sending me review links and catching typos! Because of you, we were able to fix three typos that snuck by my editors! That is a HUGE deal, because I like to publish the cleanest manuscript as possible, and you made that possible.

Thank you for being so willing to jump onto an ARC team with short notice. I hope you enjoyed Jordan and Tuesday as much as I did. (Because just between us, it's been my favorite story to write!)

Exciting news: it hit the number 1 new release in Humorous fiction!! Whoot whoot!!!

Thank you again! I hope you have a wonderful spring, and remember to watch out for meddling grandmas and ornery dogs. 😅💕

Lots of love and awkward hugs,

Carina Taylor

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