Be the change you wish to see.

Feb 17, 2023 3:21 pm

Small groups of people can make GREAT AMOUNTS OF CHANGE.

In a world where large companies, governments, and organizations often seem to be the ones making change, it is easy to forget that small groups of thoughtful and committed citizens can also be powerful agents of change.

This quote from Margaret Mead speaks to the power of the collective - when we come together with a purpose, anything is possible.image

This is by far one of my favorite quotes of all-time.


Because it is a quote my best friends and I literally have lived through.




What drives people to make change?

What motivates them to join forces with others and strive for something bigger than ourselves? 

At the heart of every great movement is passion.

When people care deeply about something, they are willing to work hard for it.

Passion can drive you to learn more about an issue, or take action in your community.

It can be the spark that ignites real change - both on a local level and beyond. 

Having passionate people working towards a common goal is one thing; having an entire community doing the same is another entirely.

Being part of a network gives you support and strength in numbers - which makes it easier to create real impact.

It also provides you with opportunities to share ideas and knowledge with each other; when we work together collaboratively, even more doors open up for positive change. 

I am not just blowing smoke with what I say above.

I BELIEVE in what I am telling you.

This photo is proof.


The people that come together at Squatch live and breath the mentality that we become better individuals when we come together as a community.

What's the reality of this?

Taking action doesn’t have to mean grand gestures or major changes!!!

Sometimes just being willing to enter new environments and contribute to the conversations, showing up and lending an extra hand, and being someone who encourages others to step into their own potential...


THAT IS the major thing that needs to be done.

Because if you become the person that encourages others to reach for the stars, eventually your collective effort will lead to meaningful transformation in your communities and beyond!  

So no matter how small or insignificant your actions may seem at first glance, collectively all of us have tremendous power as citizens of this world.

By coming together with passion and purpose, small groups of thoughtful individuals can influence positive change - both locally and globally!

So don’t ever doubt that your voice matters; by joining forces with like-minded people you can become an agent of real transformation.

It all starts with taking one small step forward!

Aka if you are in Austin Texas, come to our once-a-month FREE community workouts + sauna/ice recovery.

  1. Step into your passion and purpose
  2. Surround yourself with others who are doing the same
  3. Together you will change the world



p.s. today I am grateful for those in the community that show up every single day to make the world a better place. I see you and I appreciate you.
