Follow your hunches.

Jan 05, 2021 10:07 pm

After listening to a variety of health podcasts that talked about sleep, I had a hunch that maybe my sleep was impacting my health, and not vice versa like I original thought.

What I mean by this is I used to think that my autoimmune / other health conditions caused poor sleep.

However, the way I am looking at it now, I believe a lifetime of restless sleep has been a triggering factor in my overall health.

It is no longer an assumption either. Below is my month of December sleep results (started on the 8th) from my Oura ring.

18 days sub-optimal

5 days moderate

1 day optimal


I am showing you this not only because I hope to inspire you to look into your sleep and overall health, but also to remind you that listening to your gut (hunches) can lead to bettering your life.


I generally sleep 7-8 Hours like "doctors" recommend.

I control what I eat.

I barely drink alcohol.

I exercise & focus on recovery.

So to the naked eye I am great right? Even to the "doctors" I am "great."

But like always, I tend to dig deeper into things. And I want to encourage you to do the same thing. Especially if you feel something is off.

Now that I have these results, I can adapt and adjust my routine to start improving my sleep. In theory this will improve other aspects of my life. :)

Stay tuned for future data.

But for now, ask yourself what is your gut telling you? What area of your life do you need to focus on?

Start your year off by shifting your focus towards your hunches, and take ACTION on them!!!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!



p.s. today I am grateful for the technology/internet we have today which allows me to be in control of my own health. The more I am able to fill my own cup, the more I am able to pour.
