Be curious, not compliant!
Jan 08, 2021 9:33 pm
This morning, my friend Noah mentioned the fact that as kids, our curiosity for life starts to get replaced with compliance.
Here is us in the picture below after a 745am session on the track.
1 mile by 100 pushups, followed by a 2nd mile with another 100 pushups to end. No better way to start a Friday!
Today's message will be short and sweet.
Where in your life did you lose your curiosity solely to comply with the "rules" others bestowed upon you?
Write them down.
In 2021 I want you to find THE REAL YOU.
I want you to LIVE the life THE REAL YOU wants to live.
And it starts with leaning back into the same curiosity you were born with.
The initial step is having the curiosity to ask yourself the hard questions.
Who were you before the world told you who to be?
And who would you be today if you had no pressure from anyone or anything around you?
Thank you Noah for giving me things to ponder this weekend. I am so grateful to have friends who challenge me to grow each and every day.
Have a wonderful weekend!
p.s. today I am grateful for the Rhone community. Minnesota Rhone captain, and good friend of mine Dr. Andy Secor, he is the person who connected me to Noah. I am extremely thankful I get to meet so many badass people from all over the country through this network.