Pick up the phone.

Dec 29, 2021 3:07 pm

You know a pet peeve that I have with today's generation?

Nobody just picks up the phone, and gets shit done right then and there.

Internet, email, texts, DM's ... they have conditioned you, me, ALL OF US... to take the easy way out.


Have you ever sent an email, or text, and said to yourself ... "well my job is done here."

We all have done this.

The reality is though, if you truly want something in life, you have to see it through to the finish.

And the quickest way to do this is to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!

Lol I cannot believe I am talking about picking up the phone as a massive action.

I guess it is just an easy visual for me to convey to you.

Everyone has had the opportunity at some capacity to make the choice to either pick the phone up, or do things the longer (more comfortable) way.


This is what I am truly working to convey in this message.

The phone is just an analogy for other ways in your life that you continue to choose the more comfortable path.

I am blessed to work around a lot of successful people.

And one trait I all noticed they have, is their willingness to "pick up the phone" of life.

Meaning, they ATTACK every day. They take immediate action. They don't sit around and wait for someone to tell them what to do. They take the challenging, unknown, more "dangerous" path.

The beauty is, at the end of their day, they aren't left to wonder "what if..." because they took the action and know they did the best they could.

You can either take the more comfortable route and have anxiety around "what could have I become?" Or you can choose the path towards BECOMING right now.

The choice is yours.

Will you pick up the phone?



p.s. today I am grateful for the sales job I had (I hated it btw) that taught me how to cold call. Cold calling can literally make anyone nervous / anxious. And after doing so much of it I became more accustomed to picking up the phone and just going for it. This confidence then transferred over to other areas of my life, and for that I am grateful.
