Do you see Dolphins or Sharks?

Nov 04, 2022 1:35 pm


You are on the beach and you look out into the water to see a fin.


Do you immediately jump to the conclusion that it's a shark?

Or do you think you'll have your first chance to swim with dolphins?




I had an in depth conversation with Noah yesterday about the natural tendencies of the human psyche.

During that convo, he mentioned that he heard from somewhere that you can tell a lot about a person based on whether they believe they see a shark or a dolphin.

Of course in the context we were using it had nothing to do with sharks or dolphins lol.

What he was describing is the fact that on any given day in life, uncontrollable things will happen.

Easy example...

Some days it's raining.

Other days it's sunny.

Do you see sun (dolphins) even when it is raining though?

Or do immediately jump to the worst case scenario for that day based on an uncontrollable circumstance?

Or do you immediately assume "shark" based on the fact in your past you have been hurt by people/circumstances you thought were "dolphins," yet they turned out to have the bite of a shark.

After thinking about this convo a bit more, I am going to take it one step further.

Let's assume what you are seeing is a "shark." (input any stressor that typically seems to get the best of you)

Can you take awareness to the shark without letting it control your worry/anxiety?

Can you withhold the "shark" tendencies you have within yourself to become angry and lash out?


Can you turn the shark into a dolphin because you have done the internal work to remain calm, cool, and collected?





Sharks are going to shark around.

That doesn't mean that you have to let yourself get bent out of shape over them.






One of the reasons I wrote this message today, is because turning "sharks" into "dolphins" is literally one of the things that I have been working on most in my adult life.

I wholeheartedly believe that I was very ill for most of my life because I was stressed out by everything that I couldn't control.

And it wasn't until I learned to appreciate the "sharks" in life .... that I started turning my mental/physical/spiritual health around for the better.

I truly want the same for you!!!



p.s. No sharks or dolphins were harmed in the creation of this message. LOL. On a serious note, I am grateful for the enlightening conversations I get to have with the people around me. I am constantly learning new approaches to living a better life, all because I get to have frequent conversations with high level people like Noah.
